
Order dishNET: 855-628-7831
dishNET high speed internet
Broadband Type: 
Satellite Internet
Max Download: 
Up to 10.0 Mbps
Average: 3.2 (457 votes)
user created product ratings

 Requires 24-month commitment and $10/mo. equipment lease fee.

dishNET high speed internet
Broadband Type: 
Satellite Internet
Max Download: 
Up to 10.0 Mbps
Average: 2.9 (293 votes)
user created product ratings

 Requires 24-month commitment and $10/mo. equipment lease fee.

dishNET high speed internet
Broadband Type: 
Satellite Internet
Max Download: 
Up to 5.0 Mbps
Average: 3.2 (93 votes)
user created product ratings
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